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Pain clinics and services

ACT Government’s Pain Management Unit (PMU) 

This is a public outpatient high-level pain clinic for people with chronic pain (3 months or more).  It offers a multidisciplinary service with pain specialists, a range of allied health professionals and courses. Long waiting periods may apply.

NOTE: The service for people with chronic pain has now moved to the University of Canberra Hospital campus in 2 locations:

Location 1: For the actual services –  Brindabella Centre, Ground floor, University of Canberra.  You need a GP or specialist referral.

Location2: For administrative matters – PMU, Level 2, UC Hospital.

Only services for acute pain ( eg post-operation) remain at the Canberra Hospital site in Garran.

For more information contact Tel: 02 51243055, or email and follow up.

ACT Government Canberra Endometriosis Centre 

A public service for women and teenagers which includes a range of pelvic pain services.

Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, Bldg 11 Level 2 Canberra Hospital, Yamba Drive, Garran

Ph: (02) 6174 7625

ACT Pain Centre

A full multidisciplinary pain clinic offering a pain specialist(s) and a full multidisciplinary range of allied pain health and education services. Ask about access for public (Medicare only) patients and to check costs.

Ph: 6195 0180 or 6147 0669

Location 1:  Suite 6, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, Bruce

Location 2: Suite 1, 39 Geils Crt, Deakin – larger premises

Capital Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic

A private full multidisciplinary pain clinic, including a pain specialist and doctors plus  a full range of allied health & rehabilitation services and facilities as well as a course. Phone to find out costs.

25 Napier Close, Deakin

Ph: (02) 6282 6240

Canberra Injury Management Centre

A private service,  it includes physiotherapy, pain management education, an exercise physiologist and pain psychology services.  It does not include a pain specialist or doctor, so it is not a full multidisciplinary pain clinic, but has pain services.

161 Strickland Crescent, Deakin

Ph: (02) 6230 0200

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