Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Take Charge of Pain

New course commencing in 2023 phone our office for course dates

Take Charge of Pain was originally devised by Arthritis SA and Flinders University. Build a Better Me – Arthritis, Pain Support & ME/CFS have adapted the original program and maintained currency of research in the program delivered.

The program is now delivered in weekly program lots over 7 weeks. The program and participant program materials are below:

Week 1: Current research in what chronic pain is

Watch the below video on taking charge of pain, the beast.

Week 2 Pain Diaries, Pain Cycle and Pain Strategies overview

Week 3 Goal setting and Pacing

Week 4 Food and Pain

Use the pages below to record your dietary intake. To record more than one day’s intake reprint page 3 as many times as desired.

Food and Symptom Diary:

Week 5 Exercise

Week 6 Medications and Flare ups

Educational videos

To view educational videos on the effects of opioids, options for non-opioid treatment of chronic pain, and living with chronic pain click on the links below:

Week 7 (final week) Sleep, Stress and Distractions

Use the diary below to track your sleep. If you want to record more than one week of sleep print pages 4 and 5 as many times as desired and change the heading accordingly.