Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking turns a walk into a total body workout. It’s more effective than walking, running and cycling.
1. Uses over 90% of your muscles – double that of running
2. Increases cardio work to similar levels of running
3. Burns 45% more calories than regular walking
4. Tones arms, shoulders, back and legs
5. Develops core strength, balance & coordination
6. Reduces load and strain on ankles, knees, and hips
7. Helps ease neck and back pain
8. Promotes healthy upright posture
9. Helps with injuries and health conditions like Arthritis and Parkinson’s disease
10. Is affordable, fun, social- can be done anywhere by anyone.
Here at Arthritis ACT all of our Exercise Physiologists are trained in the art of Nordic Walking and are able to teach you these skills you need so that you can begin a Nordic Walking adventure of your own.
How does it work?
We have found that the most effective way to learn Nordic Walking is in a 1:1 environment, over a series of 2-3 shorter sessions.
During your sessions you will learn the foundational skills of Nordic Walking and how use your poles effectively to access the muscles in your upper body as well as those in your lower body. You will also learn how to use your poles when walk up and down hill so that you can take your walking anywhere.
Sessions times are flexible and can be made at a time that suits you best. To book your sessions or to find out more, please call 1800 011 041 and speak with one of our reception staff.
Don’t have poles! Please don’t worry, we have poles available loan during your lessons and for purchase when you become hooked.